Precisio Ultra

Centimeter-level absolute accuracy in seconds with satellite or IP correction.

Precisio Ultra

Precisio Ultra integrates sensor fusion and correction services through satellite or IP connectivity, enabling the delivery of centimeter-level accuracy within seconds. This advanced solution represents the pinnacle of available technology in the market, providing farmers with unparalleled precision for their agricultural operations.

a green checkmarck

Centimeter-level accuracy in seconds

a green checkmarck

Positioning with Sensor Fusion

a green checkmarck

Year-to-year position repeatability

a green checkmarck

50 Hz position update rate

a green checkmarck

RTK-level accuracy without radio or infrastructure

a green checkmarck

Corrections using satellite or IP

Positioning for applications that require centimeter-level accuracy under all conditions using GNSS and sensor fusion.

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Positioning for applications that require centimeter-level accuracy under all conditions using GNSS and sensor fusion.

Precisio Ultra

Precisio Ultra integrates sensor fusion and correction services through satellite or IP connectivity, enabling the delivery of centimeter-level accuracy within seconds. This advanced solution represents the pinnacle of available technology in the market, providing farmers with unparalleled precision for their agricultural operations.

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Centimeter-level accuracy in seconds
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Positioning with Sensor Fusion
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Year-to-year position repeatability
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50 Hz position update rate
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RTK-level accuracy without radio or infrastructure
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Corrections using satellite or IP
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